Apr 30, 2009

Federal Budget Passes the House and the Senate!

On April 29, a historic federal budget passed the House and the Senate with the education investments we fought so hard for and haven’t seen in generations! There has never been a more important time to invest in America’s future. On April 29, after all your hard work, we made history.

With the passage of this budget we learned two things, first, young people DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE and WE DO HAVE THE POWER TO WIN victories that change peoples lives! And second, there are still private student lenders making millions off of students trying to prevent Congress and President Obama from making education a right for every hard working student and family who deserve it.

The fight is not over. In the coming weeks we will continue to defend our victory as we push Congress to fund the budget proposal they just passed through the Appropriation process. We must continue to let representatives know we are paying attention.

Congratulations again and thank you so much for all that you do to make education a right.

You can read the Press Release on our website.


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